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Thursday, September 12, 2013

After years of nothing... I feel the need to blog again. Not sure why. Today's topic is food. Growing up in a catholic family frugality was always on the menu.. in fact I could never understand how my parents liked steaks so much when I was served a dry hunk of chuck steak meat with no fat or flavor whatsoever... no there was flavor, a ton of pepper. That is just the way my dad cooked. I grew up thinking I did not like steak. When I would ask what was for dinner and my mom would say "steak" I would just groan, yuk. You see my parents insisted I 'clean my plate' when I was growing up and having to choke down a dry overdone steak that burned my throat with pepper was next to torture, I learned to hate steak. One day, in my mid 30's no less there was a rib eye steaks in the markdown bin, now being on a budget and not really caring for steaks anyway I got the meat expecting to make a meal for my 5 kids. Needless to say I grilled the steaks on a little electric indoor grill and they actually tasted very good. It occurred to me that my parents were buying the better cuts of steaks for themselves and giving me the cheap meat to save money, thanks Mom and Dad.

So this brings on my reason for blogging again. my recipes, some I taught my kids, some just never had the chance for me to teach them... so here it is. I have always been on a grocery budget so this is a very skinny gourmand way of cooking great nutritious food on the cheap, I hope you can get some use out if it. I will try to add pictures when I get a chance.

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